Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Sugars to set up a distillery at Udumbiyam in Vepanthattai in Peramalur district in Tamil Nadu with an investment of Rs. 610 million. The project involves setting up 60 KLPD Distillery unit to manufacture, Rectified spirit (RS) (10 KLPD) Extra neutral alcohol (ENA) /Anhydrous Alcohol (40 KLPD) and Ethanol (10 KLPD) in an area of 25.17 acres. The main raw materials used will be cane molasses (225 MT/d), nutrients (97 kgs/d), Sulphuric Acid (110 kgs/d) and Antifoam Oil (115kgs/day). The power requirement of 900 KW/hr will be met from the Co-generation power Plant.
Dharni Sugars and Chemicals to expand its distillery at Naranapuram in Sivagiri Taluk in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu with an investment of Rs. 300 million. The project involves expanding 30 KLPD to 60 KLPD molasses based Distillery unit to manufacture RS/ENA/AA in an area of 27.65 acres. The distillery will run for 300 days in a year.
Elite Distilleries to set up molasses based distillery at Semmankuppam in Cuddalore district in Tamil Nadu with an investment of Rs. 950 million. The project involves setting up of 100 KLPD molasses based Distillery Project to manufacture Rectified Spirit / Extra Neutral Alcohol / Anhydrous Alcohol at SIPCOT Industrial Complex, in an area of 12 acres. The distillery will run for 300 days in a year.
Sancorn Agro Processing to set up distillery at Salwadi in Panhala Tehsil in Kolhapur district in Maharashtra with an investment of Rs. 300 million. The project involves setting up of Grain Based 60 KLPD multi product Distillery project for manufacturing Rectified Spirit (1800 KLPM) / Ethanol (1604 KLPM) / Extra Neutral Alcohol (1624 KLPM), Compressed CO2 (1320 MTPM), Distiller?s Dry Grains with Solubles (DDGS) (1350 MTPM) & Fusel Oil (3600 LPM). The distillery will be in operation for 300 days in a year and will use batch fermentation process with multi-pressure vacuum distillation. The raw material will be used in the form of Corn / Sorgham / Rice / Bajara.
11,950 ₹ | 4950 ₹ | 4950 ₹ | 4950 ₹ | 3950 ₹ |
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